Sunday, October 23, 2011

Group 4 Blog Post

The blog I chose is called Working Class Perspectives. It is a blog about the working class, and how current world events may affect them or be seen from their perspective. This blog is run out of Youngstown State University, at their center for working class studies. I did not know there was such a thing as a center dedicated to working class studies, yet it seems to work very well for our purposes. Anyway, the reason I picked this blog was because of how well it relates to what we are talking about in class. It has posts about the view of the working class in relation to the occupy Wall Street movement; it discusses violence in the working class, and even has a post about women in the workforce.  I am sure it may have even more posts that relate directly to our class theme. I thought this was pretty cool to see, and was the main reason I chose this blog.

This blog obviously connects to the class theme, as we are talking about class warfare, and this blog gives a look into the perspectives of the working class. This made me realize that I was taking for granted the way people react to news. I didn’t really consider that a CEO on Wall Street may see things completely differently than an average Joe in the working class. Obviously they may have political differences, but I didn’t realize how much their interpretation of the news may change. For example, it gives different reasons working class people support the occupy Wall Street movement. I thought it was very interesting to see the working class perspective of world events, rather than just hearing about the events that happened in the news, without any personal opinions added. 

Discussion Questions
1.  In what ways do you think the working class views events differently than the middle class or working class? What are they more concerned about in comparison to other classes?

2. Do you think the working class is given enough recognition? They compose a lot of the population, yet some may believe their opinions aren’t valued as much as the upper or middle class. Thoughts?

3.   Follow-up to question 2, do you believe politicians do enough to appease the working class? It seems like some politicians are more concerned about the middle class. Some politicians also seem worried about big businesses, offering tax breaks and other incentives to try and get votes. Do you think the working class is “taken care of” enough in the world of politics?

4.  What are your thoughts about YSU having a center to study the working class? Do you believe the issue of class warfare deserves more centers like this one, dedicated solely to the study of different classes and their interactions?


  1. I think this blog is very interesting although it seems to me that there are a lot of working class people so why would they need to go to a blog to understand their point of view. Personally, I feel that many upper class people would not even bother to see the lower class’s perspective. Even if this blog does have a large audience, I feel that most of the visitors would be there just to sympathize with the blog’s views rather than to gain a new perspective. Either way, this blog does relate to the class theme very well.

  2. I think the idea of that blog is kind of different and interesting, because it offers the opportunity to get a new view of the society. In my opinion the rich citizens should be interested how their behavior affects or is seen by the "lower" class. The rich have the responsibility to do so. This blog may be a good solution get an idea of this responsibility. On the other side I agree with David Meyer that many of the followers just follow the blog to show their sympathy for the topic instead of getting a new perspective. But in general I think that’s the right way to get an understanding for other classes than the own.

  3. blog refers to Max Mogg

  4. I agree with David as well. I do think that this blog is just a place for people to symapthize with each other. What is interesting is that upper class people that stumbled upon this blog would probably not even bother to read it at all, whereas working class people would be immeadiately interested. This is of course understandable, but the world would probably be a better place if people learned more about other classes and took the time to hear what they have to say. There is nothing wrong with gaining new perspectives on things.

  5. I agree with David and Alana as well. I feel that this blog is very interesting because i don't think that the upper class sees how they are viewed by the lower class at all. I also agree with that fact that people just have the same perspective on everything. Nobody takes the time too see how everyone else feels like the lower class and maybe how their lives may not be all that bad. They need to just expand their views on other lives in the world.

  6. I like the thought of having a center to study the effects of class on society, I would also like to see those centers use that research to enhance the lives of the working class in whatever way it can. Political or economical. I agree that the working class is the backbone of America and they definitely should receive more respect from the upper class they might work for. There is an owner of a bread company here in America(Can't remember which)that lets all the workers own shares of said company, the harder they work and produce the more they get paid. Kind of like a socialist business. The owner gets paid well and the employees get paid well above their counter parts.

  7. I think this is an interesting topic to discuss. I think recogonition is already a kind of high level of mental needs. Only when people can have enough basic needs like wear warm and eat well, they will seek for higher needs. I think the biggiest different between workers in China and America is that workers are better respected. In China, working class get paid little and the price level is growing faster than the promotion of salaries. But in America, even part-time students can earn enough money for survivol, as long as workers willing to spend more working they can make as much as money as some middle class.

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  11. I think the Politicians have been played minor roles regarding of the class fights in our society. They practice diving up us into different socioeconomic classes. The Politicians play to the people so they can get elected. Those in power used the social class gaps to expand their political positions and powers. They essentially care little about the social classes. The Democrats have been promised for decades to the poor working classes to lift them up out of poverty, while the Republicans avoided taxing the rich. Nonetheless, still no new economic innovations have been changed. People are still lining up to get the assistance from the Federal Governments. The gap between the poor and the rich is bigger today than it ever has been before. At the same time, the bottom line of the work ethics of the political parties is to incorporate a general happiness for all of us. For your important question number 2, I think the Upper Classes are dominant over the middle and lower working classes; they are less cultural sensitive than the Middle Classes to the Lower Working Classes. They comprehend what is best for the Working Classes who are not adept able of helping themselves. The Lower and Middle Classes had not been truly respect by the Upper Classes and the Political Parties. They have become the victims of the economic recession. For instance, during these times, the Middle and Lower Working Classes are the groups that have been affected significantly higher unemployment rates by the economic downturn.

  12. Sorry guys! the first three were accidentally posted.

  13. Jake Johnson

    I do not believe that the working class is given enough recognition. They make up a lot of the population, yes that much is pretty clear. But, in addition to that, a lot of them are also some of the hardest working people there could be. A lot of the jobs owned by the middle class are the hardest jobs, in terms of work, to do. A lot of the upper class are people that work office jobs, men that run companies, etc. They obviously work hard, but the physical labor that some of the middle class jobs put it is something that a lot of the upper class could not imagine. This of course, could be a complete stereotype, which I guess is an example of part of the problem, but I think it can be agreed upon that the middle class has more physically demanding jobs, for the most part. I think we kind of put them off as lazy sometimes, or not as hard working, when in reality, some of them work harder than many of the upper class do. They are also underrepresented in politics. A lot of times I feel like politicians take the upper class more into account. The upper class is the people who can put money into the campaigns for the politicians, so they tend to have their voices represented more through the voices of the politicians.

  14. I think it is very interesting to discuss how our social status affects our views about the social and global events.From my perspective,while reading a news ,upper class people usually focus on whether it would have effects on the whole social system or the culture .On the contaray, most working class mainly care about how the events would affect their income and daily life.I concede the reason why they have different opinions is that rich people don't need to worry about money issues while working class people must fight for their every day life.People could think more about the country's future only on the condition that they are able to afford their own life.
    And for the second question.I believe the working class is given enough recognition.But we should also notice the fact that they have a lot of different needs while the government are only able to afford some of them.For example,reducing the tuition and building a new park both cost a lot of money so the government must make a choice about which one should be done first.I think the best way to solve this problem is letting every citizen be aware of the government's plan.

  15. After reading this week’s blog I was specifically interested in question two. I believe that the working class does not receive nearly enough recognition. In my opinion the working class is truly the backbone of America. Without people dedicated to taking out the trash or working at a McDonald’s drive-thru window our country would be entirely different. I feel that the working class can never get too much recognition for what they do. Working the more ‘undesirable’ jobs allows the middle and upper class people to have the jobs they want. I also do not think politicians do enough for the working class. With the working class making up so much of the population I think it would be very smart for the politicians to try to appease them. I also find it very interesting that Youngstown has a working class career center. I think that it would be very beneficial if more schools had a center like this. Youngstown being a very ‘average’ city is a great place to have a working class career center.
    Miranda Granche

  16. As mentioned in the blog, I was also surprise to hear about Youngstown State University having a center to study the working class. In today’s society on of the major issues as we all know it is jobs. Many Americans today are living pay check to pay check. Especially with the unemployment rate, some are jobless. This issue requires all citizens to pay close attention so that thing can get fixed in todays economy as far as jobs. I believe there is a good reason why Youngstown State decided to offer to their students. Having young students understand the state we are in and even for the sake of our future, having this class is a benefit to get some knowledge on this particular topic. This class can motivate students to bring a change in working class. This can be done in many different ways. Students can create an organization that motivates those who are not in school to start going to school. By having more people go to school and get the education needed to work professionally will change the status working class. In my opinion, if working class can move to the standards of middle class that would be a great accomplishment. Federal government can play a role in helping the working class as well.

  17. I feel very intrigued myself toward the topic after I read the article. Frankly, although I am not a person who is involved in the upper class, I haven't recognized the situation and the perspective of the working class. I think nobody can actually understands the perspective of people in the working class unless they experience it. There is no wonder that the upper class people don't posses the understandings of the working class people because they've never experienced the situation! I think it is a positive work that Youngstown State University contains a department to investigate and study working class because it mean that more and more people attempt themselves to know the situation and improve the condition to help and understand people in the class.

  18. No matter which class, they all pay more attention on the event related with their relevant benefit and right. No exception for working class. In China, they concern more about children education, housing loans, individual income tax, medical insurance and salary. They pay less attention on “Diaoyu Island Issue” and Boycott of Japanese products which are concerned as young college students’ interests. Working class, they care everything close to their living situation, health, property, welfare, price etc. For the most foundation of living, they are so tired to count every penny they earn by their blood and sweat, they do not have time and energy to think about other unimportant thing. So that, how to address their terrible living and working situation is a serious problem the government need to figure out.

  19. I think the working class doesn't get enough recognition or praise for or of their ideas from the upper classes. But from the other side of the table, the reason that the upper classes keep on getting richer is because they have money, re-invest it into businesses that give working class citizens jobs, a way to make a living. And then when that's successful they get to keep their jobs and the upper class gets more money. that's just how the world works. The upper class may not listen to everyone's opinions. But people are no different, working all week and then when off the clock wanting time to yourself. It's impossible to have individual conferences with each employee. Like if the CEO of Kroger, in 2006, tried to have an individual conference with each of the 300,000 employees that koroger employed that year. The CEO could've spent the entire year, and still not accomplished that task. Not to mention every other task that the CEO is responsible for.

  20. I agree with David, I can't see many upper class people taking the time to learn about the working class, then using what they learned to help them. I think the center for working class studies at Youngstown State is a very good idea. Educating people about the working class is a good first step towards improving the conditions for the working class in the future. They should not only study the working class by itself, but social class as a whole, to see how the working class interacts with others.

  21. i think working class should get the same recognition as the upper class. As the upper class, they may have more education or know more academic things.So they have strong ability if making decision and doing business. But if there is no woking class, nothing can be completed. Woking class is the majority class. And it is the woking class contribute a lot to GDP every year. So We should take what working class concern about, such as education, health insurance and retirement fund, into consideration. Also, working class should have the right to speak out their own opinions.We should not only consider the upper class's interests.But nowadays, working class do not get enough recognition.
