Sunday, November 6, 2011

Group 6 Blog: Krazy Coupon Lady

The blog we have chosen to discuss is “The Krazy Coupon Lady” ( ) . The blog was created by two stay-at-home moms who met each other in college, and now work together on the blog website that focuses on “extreme couponing”. “The Krazy Coupon Lady” focuses on giving its readers insights as to how to save money on groceries and many other commonly purchased goods by helping teach consumers how to locate coupons (and provides coupons on the website itself), how to organize coupons, and how to use coupons effectively. More specifically, the goal of “The Krazy Coupon Lady” is to help its readers save over $10,000 a year.

“The Krazy Coupon Lady” is related to the class theme because it brings attention to the means by which people of a variety of social classes and employment backgrounds save money (and, in some cases, obtain it). Furthermore, it brings broad attention to the phenomenon of extreme couponing and the fact that it is grabbing attention in pop culture (for example, one of the bloggers was featured on the pilot of the TLC show “Extreme Couponing”). It likely has the intended audience of people in the working and middle classes, but could appeal to anyone who is looking to save money. But, although the blog could have wide appeal, it seems to be primarily directed at stay-at-home moms because it was created by stay-at-home moms, and because extreme couponing seems to be most effective and most useful for people who have the time to search out and organize coupons.

Questions for Discussion:
1. Do you believe that extreme couponing is worthwhile or do you waste too much time preparing the coupons to really make this effective?

2. What class of people do you think this blog appeals to and why?

3. There is a retail therapy section of this blog, do you believe retail therapy is a real thing or is just a marketing strategy created by businesses?

4. How do you think extreme couponing represents class struggle in our country?